It’s been two years since our first Songwriter City show in 2016 and I began the full-fledged plunge into owning and running my own business. Working in the corporate world and hired as an independent contractor have been the only roles I’ve known for my entire professional career. I’ve dipped my toe in the entrepreneurial world a couple times, but never jumped in. And jumping is exactly what I needed to do. It forced me to commit myself and pursue this endeavor head on and see where the road traveled.
I am thrilled to say that our first year was good and our second year exceeded expectations. As we forge ahead on this third year, I’m proud of these incredibly gifted songwriters who are the “why” behind Songwriter City and I’m excited to get them in front of as many companies, organizations, and people as possible. Raising the awareness of one of the most entertaining and authentic music experiences in existence, as well as telling the story of the songwriter is a privilege. I don’t take it lightly.
Just like any new venture, there have certainly been challenges, but I’m learning a great deal along this journey and meeting many exceptional people. So a big THANK YOU to friends, partners, clients, and advocates who believe in what we’re doing and who have come along side us to bring these Songwriter City experiences to life. I am grateful for all of you!